A Year of Organizing

As discussed initially in "Organizational Wanna-Be" on April 11, 2015.

From the book, Organize Now! by Jennifer Ford Berry

Week One:
  • Write out your vision for your life
  • Think about what you want to accomplish throughout the year you take on this project.
  • Get enough sleep, make sleep a priority. If it isn't, figure out why not.
  • Make a daily to do list for each day.
  • Start a journal (blog).
  • Limit TV and negative media
  • Schedule time for yourself.
  • Start meditating.
  • Exercise
  • Make "me time" to do things you actually want to do.
  • Eliminate "energy drainers" from your life.
  • Take control of your time.
4/11/15 Pre-Week One Reactions:
Looking over my to do list for this week, all of these things SEEM doable, until I realize how little time I actually take for myself. Or, when I do take time for myself, I waste it by watching television that I don't care about. I think I'm going to have to purchase a planner in order to truly take control of my time. Usually, I just use my work calendar, but I don't like the idea of all of my time being centered on my job, even though that does seem to be a majority of my day. This week will really be pushing me to examine my life and goals. I'm looking forward to that aspect of things. Although, I guess I don't really think about organizing my goals. I'm not sure I feel like I'm jumping into the decluttering part of this process. I'm probably going to clean out a closet or some old magazines just so I feel better about my house.

4/13/15 Organize Your Mind and Life Vision:
I sat down today and journaled about all of the goals set for me this week. I definitely think it is manageable, but it is going to take some serious dedication and follow through, two things I like to think I am good at, but if I'm honest with myself, I know they need work. I didn't have any huge revelations when writing about my vision, but it was nice to put everything down in one place (my new journal, goal number five-CHECK!) and see how they all fit together.

One thing that is going to become something of a mantra for me is that I am going to have to limit my time wasters. I am excellent at losing days, and sometimes weeks to television. Don't get me wrong, I love popular culture and I want to be up-to-date on it, but let's be real, I don't need to rewatch the entire series of "Friends" just because it went up on Netflix. My thinking is that I can allow myself an hour per day of "wasted time." I do need time to be able to sit and do nothing, it is relaxing and nice to not be going constantly. After that, my time needs to be used to either produce something or work toward a goal. These won't always be cleaning my house or making something from Pinterest, it just means that maybe I take time to finish that book I've always wanted to read or I go outside and garden for a while. This will force me to quit being so apathetic and go be the person I want to be.

Even though this week is more about organizing your priorities and setting good practices into place, I was able to create some action items for myself.

  1. Look into additional career training
  2. Go to bed earlier, so I have the energy to get up early.
  3. Exercise at least twice this week (if not more)
  4. Create a daily To Do list, keep work and home lists separate
  5. Limit "wasted time" to 1 hour per day.
  6. Figure out a time of day that I can regularly take a 2-5 minute break an just be by myself and create a weekly checklist to make sure I actually do this.
  7. Learn how to meditate. (Is this something I can do while driving?)
  8. Clean my house-one room per day. No exceptions this week!
Hopefully, these help me get a strong jump start! I'm excited for the results. I have also had several friends jump on the organizational bandwagon with me, so their added support will help keep me honest and on task. I can't wait to have an organized life like a real grown-up!

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