Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A One-Sided Q&A With the Author

I'm really sticking to this write everyday thing. Luckily, I haven't set a per day word count for myself. After today, that might be something I need to institute. If we're being honest, I really don't feel like writing today. I'm doing my best to make sure that my words are worth reading, even though my heart isn't really in it right now.

Q: Kristin, why don't you feel like writing today? You were so excited about it this weekend?
A: Well, I'm glad you asked that. First of all, this is my Sunday night. I have to go back to a standard work week after almost two and a half weeks of either being at camp or taking some personal days to recoup. Second of all, my husband is gone for the week. He is on a business trip with his dad. I'm really thrilled for some time to myself, as I don't typically get that...like at all...ever. But, let's face it, I'm much better when I'm half of a wonderful whole.

Q: Do you have any big plans while your husband is gone this week?
A: Yes I do. I'm looking forward to having some time to clean up the house. Also, we have a closet full of stuff that hasn't been touched since we moved in almost a year ago. I'm going to try to sort that out and post it on Craigslist, hopefully to make a bit of money to put toward our vacation in July. I'm also helping a friend put together her resume and apply for some jobs this week. Hopefully, I will get to everything, but let's face it, I have access to Netflix and I need to rewatch the last season of True Blood so I know what's going on when I finally get around to watching the premiere.

Q: Vacation, that sounds exciting. Where are you going?
A: Next month my husband and I will be flying out to Mexico with my in-laws. We are going to stay at a resort in Puerta Vallarta. Truthfully, it hasn't really sunk in yet that we are leaving so soon. What has sunk in is that this weekend, I found an amazing swimsuit for the trip. It was the very first one I tried on.

Q: No way, the first suit you tried on? That never happens.
A: I know! It was fate, I had to buy it, even though it was more money than I had ever spent on a swimsuit before. I walked into Torrid just to check and see what they had. My husband and I both reached for the same suit first. It was the style I had said I wanted and my favorite color. I cringed at the price and had no idea if it would even fit me, but my wonderful husband insisted that I try it on. I'm so glad I did. However, I've declared that this will be the last swimsuit I ever buy! It doesn't look like much on it's own, but it is just perfect once it's on. It also fits into the whole pin-up girl/40s chic that I've really been into lately. We'll have to see if I can pull off some victory rolls in my hair while I'm lounging on the pool deck.

Q: Now you've mentioned before that you have been struggling with some unusual allergies. How do you think those will affect your vacation plans?
A: I really don't think they will, at least, I hope they won't. I've been struggling with an intolerance to red meat and red meat byproducts, along with some random fruits like avocados and bananas, as well as most medications, especially antihistamines. It has been an uphill battle, but I think I've finally figured out most of what triggers my hives. I have gone to a primarily vegetarian diet as of lately, but I can eat seafood and fish without any negative impact. I think our resort is along the Pacific Ocean, so I fully intend to stuff myself with seafood and fresh fruit the entire trip. I actually think it will be easier to stick to my diet outside of the Midwestern U.S. Not to mention, these allergies have really pushed me to try new foods or foods that I didn't think I liked any more and I'm really happy with the diet I've put together while branching out.

Q: Well I can't thank you enough for taking the time to speak with us today.
A: Anytime, you've made it really very easy to write what I needed to today. I appreciate the help and the non-traditional blog format you've allowed me.

1 comment:

  1. This reminded me of, "You've just won the heart of the princess. What are you going to do next?? Pst...your line is, 'I'm going to free the genie.' Any time..."

    Altho I do have the movie Aladdin running thru my head 24/7...Well no, it alternates with Angels in the Outfield. Ooh my first idiosyncrasy!
